Tuesday, May 6, 2008

HeartBeans Grinds Coffee In Rhythm to Your Caffeine-Powered Heartbeat

Gizmodo, the Gadget Guide: "I understand that there are many people out there who can't face the day without a cup of coffee. Hell, I'm guzzling a black coffee down as I write this. However, I draw the line at having an emotional, 'intimate' experience with my delicious bean-based beverage—the kind of experience that the HeartBeans grinder promises to deliver.
According to the project page, HeartBeans utilizes a motor inside a mahogany shell that measures the pace of the user's beating heart. By operating in sync with the heartbeat, it is intended to 'induce an experience of intimacy with the process of making coffee' while producing a different flavor with each use. More »"

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